Бійцям підрозділу "Ведмеді" загрожує смертна кара у "ДНР" - дружина командира загону

The fighters of the “Bear” unit face the death penalty in the “Donetsk People’s Republic” – the squad commander’s wife

Maryna Kravtsova, the wife of the “Bear” detachment commander, stated this at a press conference. According to her, the fighters of the “Bear” unit were taken to an unknown direction. Comment: the wife of the commander of the “Bear” detachment Maryna Kravtsova: “I don’t know the fate of my husband and other fighters. We don’t […]

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На Одещині продовжують знаходити трупи дельфінів, загиблих внаслідок військової агресії РФ

Bodies of dolphins killed as a result of Russian military aggression continue to be found in Odesa

In Odesa region, 4 more dead dolphins were found, which died as a result of military aggression of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Biological Sciences, employee of the National Nature Park “Tuzlivski Lymani” (Odesa Region) Ivan Rusev reported this on Facebook. Commentary: Doctor of Biological Sciences Ivan Rusev “Not only people die from the enemy, […]

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Стало відомо про медичну катастрофу в окупованому Маріуполі

It became known about a medical disaster in occupied Mariupol

There is an acute shortage of medicines in occupied Mariupol. Residents of occupied Mariupol are dying due to lack of medicine. This was announced by representatives of the Mariupol City Council. Comment: Mariupol City Council “Residents of occupied Mariupol are dying due to a lack of medicine. The city has a shortage of medicines for […]

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Росіяни хочуть провести в Сєвєродонецьку «перепис населення»

Russians want to conduct a “population census” in Severodonetsk

Russian occupiers in the temporarily captured Severodonetsk of Luhansk region created a “commandant’s office” that plans to conduct a “population census”, including children. This was announced by the head of the Severodonetsk city military-civilian administration Oleksandr Stryuk on the air of the telethon, the regional state administration reports. According to him, the occupiers are trying […]

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Голова ГУР: Росія не планує "обмежуватися Донбасом", а хоче повного знищення України

Russia does not plan to “limit itself to Donbas” but wants the complete destruction of Ukraine – Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate

According to the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s Chief Intelligence Directorate, the Kremlin is not going to limit its aspirations to Donbas and is planning the complete annihilation of Ukraine. Source: Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s Chief Intelligence Directorate, in an interview with RBC-Ukraine Details: Commenting on international partners’ intelligence data, Budanov said that the […]

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