Ivano-Frankivsk Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv came under fire in Chernihiv region while delivering humanitarian aid


The mayor announced this on his Facebook page.

According to him, the Russian military fired on their car, which was transporting soldiers of the Armed Forces and humanitarian aid for Chernihiv. There are several wounded.

Comment: Ruslan Martsinkov:

“I have brave guys near me, with whom, despite the danger, we delivered aid to Chernihiv residents and the Armed Forces. Were it not for their professionalism, your humble servant would not be sitting here. Thanks also to the mayor of Nizhyn, who helped us with the evacuation, because our bus actually failed, because of the shots it is almost like a sieve.“

Source: UNIAN

Link: https://www.unian.ua/war/mer-ivano-frankivska-potrapiv-pid-obstrili-dostavlyayuchi-gumanitarku-v-chernigiv-novini-vtorgnennya-rosiji-v-ukrajinu-11761702.html

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