Russians want to conduct a “population census” in Severodonetsk

Росіяни хочуть провести в Сєвєродонецьку «перепис населення»

Russian occupiers in the temporarily captured Severodonetsk of Luhansk region created a “commandant’s office” that plans to conduct a “population census”, including children. This was announced by the head of the Severodonetsk city military-civilian administration Oleksandr Stryuk on the air of the telethon, the regional state administration reports.

According to him, the occupiers are trying to restore administrative activity in the city, and for this purpose they created a “commandant’s office” and appointed a “commandant”. The russians want to conduct a census of the population that remained in the city, including children.

Comment: head of Severodonetsk city military-civilian administration Oleksandr Stryuk:

“The “official version” [of the occupiers] is to start the school year on September 1. They identified more or less surviving schools and announced that education would begin there.”

At the same time, he emphasized that most of the teachers left for the territory controlled by Ukraine, and the material base was destroyed as a result of shelling.

Comment: head of Severodonetsk city military-civilian administration Oleksandr Stryuk:

“That’s why it doesn’t look quite like the truth. It is difficult to say what the purpose of such a “census” is.

Source: Public Television


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