Mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov said that on 21 August, a woman died in a queue of cars waiting to go through the Vasylivka checkpoint to leave Russian-occupied territories for Ukrainian-controlled ones.
Source: Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol, on Telegram
Quote from Fedorov: “The Ruscists [Russians] have claimed another life. They are denying access to Zaporizhzhia to evacuation convoys, holding people up for several days.
Today a woman died in a queue of cars waiting to go through the Vasylivka [checkpoint]. She was trying to leave the [Russian-] occupied territory for that controlled by Ukraine, just like another 4,000 people [currently waiting to go through the checkpoint – ed.]. But she couldn’t survive the inhumane conditions at the enemy checkpoints.”
Details: Fedorov said that a total of 11 civilians waiting in evacuation convoys have died.
Source: Ukrainian pravda