“Grain Initiative”: 11 ships are scheduled to leave Ukrainian ports on Thursday

As part of the “grain initiative”, on Thursday, September 15, 11 vessels are scheduled to depart from the ports of “Odesa”, “Chornomorsk” and “Pivdenny”.

This was announced by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine on Facebook.

On board the ships are 240,000 tons of agricultural products for the countries of Africa, Asia and Europe.

It is noted that 9 ships have already left the ports of Odesa and Chornomorsk, and 2 bulkers are waiting for favorable weather conditions in the port of “South”.

“Since the departure of the first ship with Ukrainian food, 3.33 million tons of food have already been exported. A total of 145 ships with agricultural products left Ukrainian ports for the countries of Asia, Europe and Africa,” the message says.

It was reported that during the 1.5 months of operation of the “grain corridor” 3.1 million tons of agricultural products were exported through the ports of Greater Odessa.

Source: Economic pravda

Link: https://www.epravda.com.ua/news/2022/09/15/691510/ 

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