Mass burials around Mariupol continue to increase

Масове поховання на кладовищі смт Старий Крим поблизу Маріуполя, 8 травня 2022 року

Satellites recorded an increase in the size of mass graves in the villages around Mariupol.

Source: “Schemes” with reference to satellite images of Planet Labs

Details: The satellite recorded that in May the mass burials of the residents of Mariupol in the village of Staryi Krym and the village of Vynohradne increased in size.

If we compare satellite images of the cemetery in Staryi Krym from April 24 and May 8, the total length of the trench increased from 200 meters in April to 340 meters in May.

In addition, the number of trenches in Staryi Krym has increased.

In Vynohradne, the number of trenches in the image from May 6 has significantly increased compared to April 21.

Mayor of Mariupol, Vadim Boychenko’s direct speech: “Now the Russian occupiers are trying to do everything to hide their war crimes. They are burying bodies in mass graves and using mobile crematoria, i.e., we understand that they need to hide more than 20,000 killed residents of Mariupol.

But we continue to record these mass graves in order not to allow to conceal these crimes against the residents of Mariupol. “

Source: Ukrainska Pravda


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