Mayor reports on explosions in Melitopol: Partisans are hard at work

Ivan Fedorov, the mayor of Melitopol, has reported explosions in the occupied city of Melitopol and according to him, partisans are at work.

Source: Fedorov on Telegram

Quote from Fedorov: “For the seventh day in a row, our resistance forces are not giving the Ruscists [Russian soldiers] a moment’s peace.

A loud explosion was recorded in the north-eastern part of Melitopol. Residents of all surrounding areas and even settlements near the city could hear it.

We are waiting for good news about another Russian loss.”

Russian forces have set up a military base at the site of a hospital in the temporarily occupied city of Melitopol.

Around the same time, the mayor’s office of Russian-occupied Mariupol reported that on August 13, after lunch, there was an explosion that “the whole city could hear.”

Source: Ukrainian pravda


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